F. Bezwaar tegen Kop Zuidas 1e herziening
- BEP - Feasibility phase
- 2022
- Partner: A. Petrounine
Currently the new masterplan aims to demolish the Old School building
Culture and creatives
The current broedplaats is a place for small businesses to create a community and share ideas and workspace.
1970s modern architecture - heritage value
The building is a true expression of a time period where architects believed that buildings provide social interaction and plenty of daylight.
Een woonwerkpand
What could possibly be an viable future use of this concrete structure? We carefully analysed the future plans for the site and what the municipality originally set out to achieve with the master plan for the Zuidas. On of their ambitions is to create alternatie livingconcepts, quality of life and making city in realtion to the human scale. Our conclusion is that a "woonwerkpand" would be a great program for the building in the future. A woonwerkpand is a Dutch term for a space to work and live in one house. We investigated this function for the building by looking at other current woonwerkpanden in Amsterdam.
Strategy for an alternative urban masterplan
Our proposed stategy consists of four simple steps. Firstly, to keep the existing Old School building. Then build the new wellness centre around the Old School Building. Next relocate the broedplaats to the new space for the broedplaats. Finally renovate and transform the Old School building into a "woonwerkpand".
Qualities of the proposed masterplan
A more attractive future vision for the site Kop Zuidas would be a place where creatives can work and live. There will be space for social interactions and meeting of a diverse range of people. Nature and people are also brought closer together. There is a 24/7 rhythm of activity on the street.
Transformation to a woonwerkpand
What corrective measures could be taken? Firstly, the buidling should be added into the municipalities masterplan and not be demolished. The the building can be transformed into a "woonwewrkpand" with a publicly accessible urban roof farm.
Necessary additions and changes
Two layers of smaller studio type housing can be added on the existing roof. A new lift and entrace to these apartments will be needed. The later additions to the building will be demolished and a new double height glass facade will we added to the larger row house type appartments. On the roof of the lower block a new urban roof farm will be made.
Connection to the surroundings
The setbacks in the studio apartments allow for more privacy between neighbours. The groundfloor Aula space already functions very well as a collective interior space bridging between the public square and the living rooms of the inhabitants. The public green roof creates a dynamic urban space on a higher level with great views to the surroundings. The double height atrium of the rowhouses acts as a buffer between the green public courtyard and the private owners livingspace.
Front door view of the rowhouses with individual front gardens. Studio workshop space and kitchen are on the groundfloor. Bedrooms and bathroom are on the first floor. Each house connects the grondfloor to the first floor via a spiral staircase.
Green courtyard
The atmosphere of this public space is much more peaceful compared to the public square. People in the co-working space may eat their lunch here. Children can safely play here on the grass under the trees. The urban oasis also as views towards the cementry with many trees and the water channel seperating the cementry from the site. Many people from the neighbourhood do a daily walk through this section of water and green space.
Public square
A festive meeting place for events, summer concerts, biological fruit and veg weekly market, pop up foor truck evenings where food from different cultures can be experienced at one place and time.
Het Parool news article
On 10 October 2022, Alexander and I were called to present our ideas to the Raad van State and explain to the municipality what effect a different bestemmingplan will have on the neighbourhoud. There were also two people from the "bewonersverniging" present at the court hearing.